Projects per year
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Nenescape - Stage 2: Revealing the hidden stories of Nene Valley
Ollerton, J. (PI)
1/10/16 → …
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Not started
Stone, E. (PI), Maxwell, L. (CoI), Paterson-Young, C. (CoI), Somerfield, K. (CoI) & Douglas, I. (CoI)
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Promoting physical activity participation within green and blue spaces in a COVID-19 era.
Ryan, D. (PI)
1/12/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Internal Fund › QR Strategic Priorities Fund 2020/21
RNA processing of the brain dystrophin isoform Dp71
Anthony, K. (PI) & Wood, C. (CoI)
4/08/20 → 4/02/22
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Effect of different patterns in sitting breaks on older adults’ post-load glucose profiles
Ryan, D. (PI)
3/06/19 → 30/07/19
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
The role of Dp71 in cell migration and the neuropathophysiology of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Anthony, K. (PI)
3/06/19 → 27/07/19
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Effects of eccentric plantarflexor and dorsiflexor training on neuromuscular characteristics associated with fall risk in older people
Kay, T. (PI)
2/06/19 → 5/08/19
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Safeguarding Pollination Services in a Changing World: theory into practice (SURPASS2)
Ollerton, J. (PI)
1/01/19 → 1/01/22
Project: Research › Research Council (old)
Research Design Service East Midlands Public Involvement Fund
Kay, T. (PI)
1/10/18 → 1/11/18
Project: Enterprise › Consultancy Charity
Effects of Isometric Resistance Training on Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Morning Blood Pressure Surge in Young Normotensive Men.
Baross, A. (PI)
11/06/18 → 7/08/18
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Effects of unilateral lower limb eccentric training on neuromuscular and musculoskeletal characteristics associated with fall risk in older people
Kay, T. (PI)
21/05/18 → 21/07/18
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Assistance in Development of Rapid Automated Test to detect Bacteria
Score, J. (PI)
30/03/18 → 3/04/18
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
Prevalence of environmental antimicrobial resistance determinants: SFAM
Score, J. (PI)
1/12/17 → 29/02/20
Project: Research › Non-Profit Organisation