Projects per year
Personal profile
Matthew developed an interest in British history as an undergraduate at York and as postgraduate and ESRC postdoctoral fellow at Manchester. His PhD on the idea of ‘independence’ in Georgian England started out as a study in political culture, but increasingly became focused on issues of gender as he tried to understand the role of masculinity in debates about citizenship.
Matthew arrived in Northampton in 2004 and is now Professor of History. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests
Matthew built on his doctoral work by focusing upon the wider relationships between politics, war and masculinity in modern Britain. His first book, The Independent Man, explored the ways in which political and personal freedom were conceived of in terms of ‘manly independence’, particularly in relation to the vote. He examined this further in a textbook, Citizenship and Gender in Britain, 1688-1928.
Matthew has also worked on the social and cultural history of the military in the long eighteenth century. He explored the themes of gender and citizen soldiering in Embodying the Militia in Georgian England. More recently, he has focused on material culture, thinking about shoes in relation to masculinity and the body.
He edited Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2015-20) and sits on the Council of the Northamptonshire Record Society.
Ruth Barton; History
Comfort in the country house
Kerry Love; History
Political literature in Georgian Britain
Kathrina Perry; History
Philanthropy in the Northampton boot and shoe industry
Martyn Green; History
Motivations of Volunteers in Napoleonic Britain
Abbie Hofbauer; History
Northamptonshire Country Houses, 1560-1640
Teaching Interests
Matthew teaches on a range of modules relating to his research on British history:
- Themes and Perspectives in History
- Power and Protest in British Society
- Citizenship and Gender in Britain, 1760-1918
- Narrating the Nation: Rethinking Modern British History
- MA History Research Methods
- 1 Similar Profiles
- 1 Finished
Innovations in teaching the eighteenth century
McCormack, M. (PI)
20/12/19 → 26/06/20
Project: Research › Charitable Funding
McCormack, M., 23 Mar 2022, DIGIT.EN.S: The Digital Encyclopedia of British Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century.Research output: Contribution to Book/Report › Entry for Dictionary/Encyclopedia › peer-review
Open Access -
Manliness in Britain 1760–1900: bodies, emotion and material culture: by Joanne Begiato, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2020, xii + 225 pp., £80.00 (hardback)
McCormack, M., 2 Jan 2021, In: Social History. 46, 1, p. 99-101 3 p.Research output: Contribution to Journal › Book Review
Smell in eighteenth-century England: a social sense
McCormack, M., 15 Feb 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Cultural and Social History. p. 1-2 2 p.Research output: Contribution to Journal › Book Review
The Society of Prisoners: Anglo-French Wars and Incarceration in the Eighteenth Century, by Renaud Morieux
McCormack, M., 17 Jun 2021, In: The English Historical Review. 136, 579, p. 435-437 3 p., ceab006.Research output: Contribution to Journal › Book Review
Wooden shoes and wellington boots: the politics of footwear in Georgian Britain
McCormack, M., 11 Jun 2021, Everyday Political Objects: From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary World. Fletcher, C. (ed.). Abingdon: Routledge, p. 104-119 16 p.Research output: Contribution to Book/Report › Chapter › peer-review
Open AccessFile -
Captain Supple's Order Books of 1778 and 1780
McCormack, M., 31 Dec 2020, In: Northamptonshire Past and Present. 73, p. 63 9 p.Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article
Citizenship and Gender in Britain, 1688-1928
McCormack, M., 20 Jun 2019, Abingdon: Routledge. 204 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
Review of Treasures Afoot: Shoe Stories from the Georgian Era. By Alexander, Kimberley. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2018. 234 p. 99 col. and 10 b. and w. illus. £29 (pb). ISBN 978‐1‐4214‐2584‐9.
McCormack, M., 1 Sept 2019, In: Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 42, 3, p. 380-380 1 p.Research output: Contribution to Journal › Book Review
Open AccessFile
- 1 Seminar/Workshop
Numbering the fighting men: population, bodies and the Militia lists of the eighteenth century
McCormack, M. (Speaker)
19 Nov 2013Activity: Academic Talks or Presentations › Seminar/Workshop › Research
New English History Study Results from University of Northampton Described ('so Manly and Ornamental': Shoe Buckles and Britain's Eighteenth Century)
1 item of Media coverage
Prince Andrew's predecessor and his lover were also caught in scandals
1 item of Media coverage
Prince Andrew's predecessor and his lover were also caught in scandals
3 items of Media coverage
Students praise Postgraduate Research Support at Northampton
1 item of Media coverage
A delivery robot creates a poetic moment in the woods of England
1 item of Media coverage
A delivery robot creates a poetic moment in the woods of England
1 item of Media coverage