An evaluation of the Social Impact of the YMCA Under One Roof Project

Project Details


The new YMCA building in Milton Keynes (MK) provides an opportunity to build a new culture and an assets-based approach to helping people who are homeless as part of the Under One Roof (U1R) project. This project is significant for the growing numbers of young people who come to the MK YMCA with a range of complex needs.

This research aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework capable of both assessing the social impact of the U1R service and seeking to measure longitudinal change, across the three years of the research, in outcomes over time (e.g. wellbeing, self-efficacy). Building on the University of Northampton’s ‘Social Impact Matrix©’ approach, the research will evaluate the short- and long-term outcomes of the services on young people, aged 18-35 years, in relation to their personalised pathway of support, across all three stages, from emergency accommodation to living independently, moving on and gaining employment.

Building on the University of Northampton’s ‘Social Impact Matrix©’ approach, this evaluation will evaluate the short- and long-term outcomes of the services on young people, aged 18-35 years in relation to their personalised pathway of support, across its three stages:
• Stage 1: emergency accommodation
• Stage 2: cluster/supported living
• Stage 3: living independently, moving on and gaining employment.

In doing so the evaluation will address the project’s effectiveness in relation to the following research aims:
1. What were beneficiary perspectives of the old model of provision?
2. What are the key elements that contribute to successful engagement/progress with individuals at each of the stages they engage with?
3. What are the key elements that contribute to disengagement/regression with individuals at each of the stages they engage with?
4. Explore the narratives of individuals, using life-story interviews, to identify their abilities and qualities as well as their journey and challenges.
5. What is the impact of the training received by YMCA staff on the U1R service?
6. Compile a bespoke Social Impact Matrix© for the U1R project.

Effective start/end date1/03/201/09/22


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