ASD-EAST: Autism Spectrum Disorder – Empowering and Supporting Teachers

  • Preece, David (PI)
  • Lessner Listiakova, Ivana (CoI)
  • Bramble, Paul (CoI)

Project Details


To empower teachers in Croatia, Macedonia and Poland to support the effective inclusion of children with ASD in education, by providing them with appropriate knowledge, effective strategies and locally-appropriate training. Objectives • To map current good practice and scope areas needing development with regard to the educational inclusion of children with ASD in Croatia, Macedonia and Poland • To develop a model training programme and materials for specialist teachers supporting the educational inclusion of children and young people with ASD in these countries • To use these materials to pilot the professional development/training programme to specialist teachers from mainstream and special schools in Croatia, Macedonia and Poland • To evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the materials and the impact of the training using quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis • To share the programme, tools and materials with stakeholders and make recommendations to national policy-makers in these countries.
Effective start/end date1/09/1831/08/20


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  • Teacher education and confidence regarding autism of specialist primary school teachers

    Lisak Segota, N., Lessner Listiakova, I., Stošić, J., Kossewska, J., Troshanska, J., Petkovska Nikolovska, A., Cierpiałowska, T. & Preece, D., 2 Jan 2022, In: European Journal of Special Needs Education. 37, 1, p. 14-27 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • ASD-EAST Mapping Report

    Preece, D., Lisak, N., Lessner Listiakova, I., Stošić, J., Kossewska, J. & Troshanska, J., 20 Sept 2020, (Accepted/In press) Northampton. 72 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report

    Open Access
  • ASD-EAST Programme Evaluation Report

    Preece, D., Lessner Listiakova, I., Bramble, P., Lisak Šegota, N., Stošić, J., Begić, M., Aguila Muñoz, S., Kossewska, J., Cierpiałowska, T., Lubińska-Kościółek, E., Bombińska-Domżał, A., Niemiec, S., Płoszaj, M., Troshanska, J., Petkovska Nikolovska, A., Baranger, A., Fernández, C. & Canil, C., 1 Oct 2020, (Accepted/In press) Northampton. 35 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report
