Cyber Safe Generation: Digital Education by Design

Project Details


Cyber Safe Generation brings together young people, teachers and academics in order to develop an evidence-based digital educational programme to promote young peoples’ online citizenship in diverse European countries. The project will:
A/ Map the country-specific and EU-wide challenges and opportunities facing children and young people in diverse European member states on their safe, healthy use of the Internet.
B/ Create a culturally, linguistically and age appropriate open-access multimedia education programme which recognizes and draws on children and young people's assets, knowledge and experiences to support their healthy use of the Internet.
C/ Develop open-access culturally and linguistically appropriate guidance and training to enable teachers to use the multimedia programme with children in primary and secondary schools in diverse European education settings.
D/ Work with young people, their parents and teachers to co-design, evaluate and re-evaluate the multimedia programme within a range of school environments to ensure a user-centred, evidence -based system which supports children and young people’s online safety.
E/ Develop and disseminate a model of participatory design which can be used by teachers and academics in schools and other settings to support children’s involvement and the presence of their voice and perspectives in design processes for educational and community-based digital projects.
Short titleCyber Safe Generation
Effective start/end date1/09/1631/08/19


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  • CyGen Scoping and Needs Analysis

    Pyer, M., Lomax, H. & Bramble, P., 31 Aug 2019, 81 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report

    Open Access
  • Design Workshops Report

    Pyer, M., Lomax, H. & Bramble, P., 31 Aug 2019, 29 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report

    Open Access
  • Evaluation

    Pyer, M., Lomax, H. & Bramble, P., 31 Aug 2019, 67 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Report

    Open Access