School and University Partnership for Peer Communities of Learners

Project Details


Studies on teacher education have underlined the importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that is school based as the proven preferred modality of enhancing teacher education. In the Egyptian context most studies have illustrated that both faculties of education and the Ministry of Education have for the longest of time adhered to very traditional methods of teacher training, which not only wasted resources but also did not lead to any learning or improvement of performance all of which has deterred educational reform at both the higher educational levels as well as school levels. Teacher performance being the key factor for learning has been selected as the most strategic entry point to reform. The aim of this project is to empower Egyptian Faculties of Education to develop modern, innovative and effective models of Continuing Professional Development CPD that is school based and allows for the development of Professional Development PD schools that are sustainable and that will eventually be brought to a larger scale in the Egyptian and regional context. From experiences with international cooperation in particular with the EU it has become apparent that when Egyptian systems are exposed to innovative thinking overtime there tends to be a gradual shift particularly of culture with partnerships that are strong in imparting both clear and tacit knowledge through exchange, dialogue, joint activities and exposure. Change as we well know is incremental and often is the result of transfer through mentors hip as well as conscious reflection. The most significant partnership for the success of this transformation is that between university and school whereby the former equips practitioners with the theory behind their practice.
Effective start/end date15/10/1614/04/20


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